Are We Getting Dumber?

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Well, this can’t be good, recent studies are discovering that each generation is becoming increasingly stupid:

The whole Trump thing is making more sense now.  Speaking of the Donald, he has been beating up on Mexico for the last 48 hours:

What is the reality?

The whole point to NAFTA was to strengthen ties to our two closest neighbors with a mutually beneficial trade agreement – but I am not sure Trump even cares.  In the short term, I guess this helps Trump with his base, but consider what this could lead to:

  • Higher retail prices in the US;
  • Less cooperation with Mexico on illegal drug smuggling from South America;
  • Less trade for the US – leading to a slower / smaller US economy;
  • In the longer run – a much poorer and less stable neighbor to our South.

It’s Friday – I need to end the week with something uplifting, so lets give this a listen:

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