
Welcome to Z Option Trader!

I’m so glad you’re here!

My primary interest in maintaining this online trading journal is to document my options trades and to discuss active options strategies that can generate monthly income. I only target 10% of my portfolio to active options strategies – this percentage varies based on market conditions for such trades, but stays in the 10% to 15% range. Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. I have found that options trading done intelligently can be a useful diversification tool – mixed with the more conservative approaches in my portfolio.

Besides discussing potential options trades in my Blog – I also list my trading account stock positions in the Sidebar.

I did not set this site up as an educational resource. If you are new to trading options – I would highly suggest starting with a good book. I personally recommend the following:

There are also many free websites with great information – here are a few:

Please feel free to leave remarks regarding any subject you may have questions about or would like to see addressed in future blog posts.

Thanks for visiting,

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